BIO 113 — Dinosaurs
Udo Savalli Home

Lab 12 — Saurischian Dinosaur Diversity

Optional Review of Saurischian Dinosaur Models

Identify the genus and/or clade(s) to which each model belongs (as specified in the review sheet) and submit your answer to Canvas. You may refer back to the "Sauropodomorph Dinosaur" and "Theropod Dinosaur" pages if you need

Model A

Model B

Model C

Model D

Model E

Model F

Model G

Model H

Model I

Model J

Model K

Model L

Model M

Model N

Model O

Model P

Model Q

This page last updated 28 May 2021 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.