Bones (fused) and markings of the Coxal Bone (ox coxa or innominate bone).
You will be responsible for knowing the individual (fused) bones and the markings of the pelvis listed on the handout provided. You will also need to determine right and left from a single coxal bone (as in the following photo) and to determine gender (male or female) from a complete pelvis (see below).
- Acetabulum (part)
- Greater sciatic notch
- Iliac crest
- Auricular surface (not shown)
- Acetabulum (part)
- Ischial spine
- Ischial tuberosity
- Lesser Sciatic notch
- Obturator foramen (part)
- Acetabulum (part)
- Obturator foramen (part)
- Pubic symphysis