BIO 370 — Vertebrate Zoology
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Vertebrate Diversity
Amphibian Review for Lab 7


Specimen 1

Identify the indicated structures of this skeleton.

Specimen 2

Identify the indicated structures of this live animal.

Specimen 3

Identify the indicated skeletal structures of this fossil.

Amphibian Diversity
Identify the Taxa, Lifestage, or Ecomorphotype as indicated on your Worksheet

Amphibian A

Amphibian B

Amphibian C

Amphibian D

Amphibian E

Amphibian F

Amphibian G

Amphibian H

Amphibian I

This page last updated 6 March 2022 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.