BIO 370 — Vertebrate Zoology
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Vertebrate Anatomy

Labeled Tissues
Note that slides in lab may be stained a different color than these images.
Return to Unlabeled Tissues

simple cuboidal epith
Simple cuboidal epithelium (from kidney). Arrows indicate nuclei.
neuron smear
Motor neurons. 1 = cell body; 2 = nucleus; 3 = axon; 4 = dendrites; 5 = glial cell nuclei

areolar ct
Loose (or areolar) connective tissue. 1 = collagen fiber; 2 = nuclei of fibroblasts
fibrous ct
Fibrous (or dense) connective tissue (from tendon). 1 = fibroblast

hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage. Arrow indicates chondrocyte within lacuna
compact bone
Compact bone, showing: 3 = osteon (Haverian system); 1 = Haversian canal; 2 = osteocyte in lacuna

Tongue Left and below: section through mammal tongue showing:
  1. Stratified squamous epithelium
  2. Irregular fibrous and loose connective tissues
  3. Skeletal muscle fibers running:
    1. horizontally
    2. vertically
    3. in cross section
  4. Nuclei

Skeletal muscles
intestine Section through small intestine showing:
  1. Simple columnar epithelium
  2. Glandular (simple columnar) epithelium
  3. Irregular fibrous connective tissue
  4. Smooth muscle (horizontal fibers and cross sectioned fibers)
  5. Simple squamous epithelium
  6. Apical surface with microvilli
  7. Nuclei
This page last updated 8 September 2010 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.