BIO 202 — Human Anatomy & Physiology
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Histology of the Male Reproductive System

Testes Histology Testis: Seminiferous tubule
  1. Spermatogonia
  2. Spermatocytes
  3. Spermatids
  4. Insterstitial endocrine cells

Testes & Epididymis Testis & Epididymis
  1. Seminiferous tubules of testis
  2. Epididymis tubules

Epididymis Histology Epididymis
  1. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  2. Stereocilia
  3. Spermatozoa
  4. Smooth muscle

Seminal Gland Histology Seminal Gland
  1. Lumen
  2. Mucosal folds
  3. Lamina propria
  4. Smooth muscle
This page last updated 16 April 2014 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.