BIO 202 — Human Anatomy & Physiology
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Histology of the Alimentary Canal (Digestive Tract)

Gastroesophageal Jct Histology Gastroesophageal Junction
  1. Gastroesophageal Junction
  2. Stratified squamous epithelium of esophagus
  3. Simple columnar epithelium of stomach

stomach Histology
stomach Histology
stomach Histology
  1. Lumen
  2. Mucosa
    1. Simple columnar epithelium
    2. Lamina propria (areolar CT)
    3. Muscularis mucosae
    4. Gastric glands
    5. Chief cells
    6. Parietal cells
  3. Submucosa
  4. Muscularis externa
    1. Oblique layer
    2. Circular layer
    3. Longitudinal layer
  5. Serosa
  6. Gastric pits

duodenum Histology Duodenum
  1. Lumen
  2. Simple columnar epithelium
  3. Lamina propria
  4. Villus
  5. Intestinal crypt
  6. Muscularis mucosae
  7. Duodenal gland

Ileum Histology Ileum
  1. Lumen
  2. Villi
  3. Muscularis mucosae
  4. Submucosa
  5. Aggregated lymphoid nodules (Peyer's patches)
  6. Muscularis externa: circular layer
  7. Muscularis externa: longitudinal layer
  8. Serosa

Colon Histology Colon (Large Intestine)
  1. Lumen
  2. Goblet cells (of columnar epithelium)
  3. Lamina propria
  4. Muscularis mucosae
  5. Submucosa
This page last updated 22 March 2014 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.